Pomegranate's vegetable estrogen has a similar structure to female hormones, which increases the chances of pregnancy, reduces the risk of miscarriage, helps prevent breast cancer, and helps relieve menopause symptoms.
Funicalagin, Punic acid, phytochemical etc. have anti-inflammatory functions and can help prostate cancer.
Antioxidants in pomegranates such as polyphenols and anthocyanins prevent thrombosis and cholesterol. It improves blood circulation, prevents the arteries from thickening, and also affects blood pressure control.
Potassium, which is rich in pomegranates, suppresses reabsorption of sodium, which causes edema, and helps relieve edema by releasing sodium from the body. It prevents cell damage caused by aging and cell damage caused by ultraviolet rays. Pomegranate seed freedom made from Punic acid has also been used a lot in skincare foods.
It facilitates the supply of scalp blood and hair muscle nutrition.
The saponin, vitamins, iron, and phosphorus of the balloon flower in Slim on Pomegranate helps strengthen immunity, prevents pneumonia, asthma, and helps relieve bronchitis through anti-inflammatory action of the repressed ingredient.